imls - list up the contents of the folder




The imls command produces a one line per message listing of the specified folder or mail/news messages.

This command is provided by IM (Internet Message).


-s, --src=FOLDER,FOLDER...
Folder name. Default value is "+inbox". "--src=+xxx" is equivalent to "+xxx".
-f, --form=STRING
Scan format. Default value is "%+5n %m%d %-14A %S || %b".
-b, --buffer={on,off}
Make output data buffered.
-j, --jissafe={on,off}
Safe manner for JIS. Default value is "on".
-w, --width=NUM
Width of result for scan listings. Default value is 80.
-t, --thread={on,off}
Make threads.
-i, --indent=NUM
Width of thread indent. Default value is 2.
-g, --grep=STRING
Grep pattern for vscan.
-n, --namazu={on,off}
Use namazu for vscan.
-c, --casefold={on,off}
Case sensitivity. Default value is "on". (This option affects both fieldname and pattern.)
-d, --delimiter=STRING
Mail header delimiter. Default value is "\n\n|\n----\n".
-D, --dupchecktarget=STRING
Duplicate check target ('none', 'message-id', or 'message-id+subject'). Default value is "message-id".
-x, --mimedecodequoted={on,off}
Decode broken mime-encoded strings.
-S, --sshserver=SERVER
SSH port relay server.
-q, --quiet={on,off}
Do not show any messages.
-v, --verbose={on,off}
Print verbose messages when running.
Print debug messages when running.
-h, --help
Display help message and exit.
Output version information and exit.


IM (Internet Message) is copyrighted by IM developing team. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the modified BSD license. See the copyright file for more details.