IPC::Cache - a perl module that implements an object storage space where data is persisted across process boundaries
use IPC::Cache;
# create a cache in the specified namespace, where objects # will expire in one day my $cache = new Cache( { namespace => 'MyCache', expires_in => 86400 } );
# store a value in the cache (will expire in one day)
$cache->set("key1", "value1");
# retrieve a value from the cache
# store a value that expires in one hour
$cache->set("key2", "value2", 3600);
# clear this cache's contents
# delete all namespaces from shared memory
IPC::Cache is used to persist data across processes via shared memory.
A typical scenario for this would be a mod_perl or perl CGI application. In a multi-tier architecture, it is likely that a trip from the front-end to the database is the most expensive operation, and that data may not change frequently. Using this module will help keep that data on the front-end. Consider the following usage in a mod_perl application, where a mod_perl application serves out images that are retrieved from a database. Those images change infrequently, but we want to check them once an hour, just in case. my $cache = new Cache( { namespace => 'Images', expires_in => 3600 } ); my $image = $imageCache->get("the_requested_image");
if (!$image) {
# $image = [expensive database call to get the image]
$cache->set("the_requested_image", $image);
That bit of code, executed in any instance of the mod_perl/httpd process will first try the shared memory cache, and only perform the expensive database call if the image has not been fetched before, has timed out, or the cache has been cleared.
Creates a new instance of the cache object. The constructor takes a reference to an options hash which can contain any or all of the following:
Adds an object to the cache. set takes the following parameters:
Retrieves an object from the cache. get takes the following parameter:
Removes this cache and all the associated namespaces from shared memory. CLEAR takes the following parameter:
Removes all objects in all namespaces that have expired. PURGE takes the following parameter:
Roughly estimates the amount of memory in use. SIZE takes the following parameter:
DeWitt Clinton <dclinton@eziba.com>