Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::Parser - parse SpamAssassin configuration


  (see Mail::SpamAssassin)


Mail::SpamAssassin is a module to identify spam using text analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists.

This class is used internally by SpamAssassin to parse its configuration files. Please refer to the Mail::SpamAssassin documentation for public interfaces.


This is the structure of a config-setting block. Each is a hashref which may contain these keys:

the name of the setting it modifies, e.g. "required_score". this also doubles as the default for 'command' (below). THIS IS REQUIRED.
The command string used in the config file for this setting. Optional; 'setting' will be used for the command if this is omitted.
An [aryref] of other aliases for the same command. optional.

The type of this setting:

           - $CONF_TYPE_STRING: string
           - $CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC: numeric value (float or int)
           - $CONF_TYPE_BOOL: boolean (0/no or 1/yes)
           - $CONF_TYPE_TEMPLATE: template, like "report"
           - $CONF_TYPE_ADDRLIST: address list, like "whitelist_from"
           - $CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE: hash key/value pair,
             like "describe" or tflags

If this is set, a 'code' block is assigned based on the type.

Note that $CONF_TYPE_HASH_KEY_VALUE-type settings require that the value be non-empty, otherwise they'll produce a warning message.


A subroutine to deal with the setting. Only used if type is not set. ONE OF code OR type IS REQUIRED. The arguments passed to the function are ($self, $key, $value, $line), where $key is the setting (*not* the command), $value is the value string, and $line is the entire line.

There are two special return values that the code subroutine may return to signal that there is an error in the configuration:

$Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::MISSING_REQUIRED_VALUE -- this setting requires that a value be set, but one was not provided.

$Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::INVALID_VALUE -- this setting requires a value from a set of 'valid' values, but the user provided an invalid one.

Any other values -- including undef -- returned from the subroutine are considered to mean 'success'.

The default value for the setting. may be omitted if the default value is a non-scalar type, which should be set in the Conf ctor. note for path types: using "__userstate__" is recommended for defaults, as it allows Mail::SpamAssassin module users who set that configuration setting, to receive the correct values.
Set to 1 if this setting requires 'allow_user_rules' when run from spamd.
Set to 1 if this setting can only be set in the system-wide config when run from spamd. (All settings can be used by local programs run directly by the user.)
Set to 1 if this value occurs frequently in the config. this means it's looked up first for speed.