POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin - Part of the POE::Component::IRC test-suite.
use Test::More tests => 16; BEGIN { use_ok('POE::Component::IRC') }; BEGIN { use_ok('POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin') }; use POE; my $self = POE::Component::IRC->spawn( ); isa_ok ( $self, 'POE::Component::IRC' ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => \&test_start, }, package_states => [ main => [ qw(irc_plugin_add irc_plugin_del) ], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); sub test_start { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $self->yield( 'register' => 'all' ); my $plugin = POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin->new(); isa_ok ( $plugin, 'POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin' ); $heap->{counter} = 6; if ( !$self->plugin_add( 'TestPlugin' => $plugin ) ) { fail( 'plugin_add' ); $self->yield( 'unregister' => 'all' ); $self->yield( 'shutdown' ); } return: } sub irc_plugin_add { my ($kernel, $heap, $desc, $plugin) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; isa_ok ( $plugin, 'POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin' ); if ( !$self->plugin_del( 'TestPlugin' ) ) { fail( 'plugin_del' ); $self->yield( 'unregister' => 'all' ); $self->yield( 'shutdown' ); } return; } sub irc_plugin_del { my ($kernel, $heap, $desc, $plugin) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; isa_ok ( $plugin, 'POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin' ); $heap->{counter}--; if ( $heap->{counter} <= 0 ) { $self->yield( 'unregister' => 'all' ); $self->yield( 'shutdown' ); } else { if ( !$self->plugin_add( 'TestPlugin' => $plugin ) ) { fail( 'plugin_add' ); $self->yield( 'unregister' => 'all' ); $self->yield( 'shutdown' ); } } return: }
POE::Component::IRC::Test::Plugin is a very simple POE::Component::IRC plugin used to test that the plugin system is working correctly, as demonstrated in the SYNOPSIS.
Chris "BinGOs" Williams