Para::Frame::Burner - Creates output from a template
There are three standard burners.
html = The burner used for all tt pages plain = The burner used for emails and other plain text things html_pre = The burner for precompiling of tt pages
They are defined by Para::Frame/configure in th
Para::Frame::Burner->add( \%config )
Adds a burner.
Se sourcecode for details...
Para::Frame::Burner->get_by_ext( $ext )
Returns the burner registred for the extension.
Returns undef if no burner registred with the extension.
$burner->add_ext( $ext )
Adds an extension handler to a burner.
Returns the number of extensions added.
Para::Frame::Burner->get_by_type( $type )
Returns the burner registred for the type.
Returns undef if no burner registred with the type.
$burner->add_filters( \%filters ) $burner->add_filters( \%filters, $dynamic )
Adds a filter to the burner. Availible in all templates that uses the
burner. If $dynamic
is true, adds all the filters as dynamic
filters. Default is to add them as static filters.
is a hash with the filter name and the coderef.
Para::Frame::Burner->get_by_type('html')->add_filters({ 'upper_case' => sub{ return uc($_[0]) }, });
$burner->burn( $renderer, @tt_process_params )
Calls Template/process with the given params.
$burner->burn( $renderer, $in, $page->{'params'}, \$out)
Returns the Template::Exception from the burning, if any.
# TODO: Take care of result early, and save the info