Para::Frame::Email::Address - Represents an email address
Objects of this class is a container for Mail::Address objects. It
stringifies to /as_string and uses /equals for eq
Para::Frame::Email::Address->parse( $email_in ) Para::Frame::Email::Address->parse( $address_obj )
This is the object constructor.
If $email_in
already is an Para::Frame::Email::Address object;
retuns it. Will rebless it if it's not of the given class.
Also takes Mail::Address objects as input.
Parses the address using Mail::Address/parse.
Checks that the domain name was given.
Returns the object.
email - '$email_str_in' is not a correct email address
email - Give the whole email address, includning the \@\n'$email_str_in' is not correct
Para::Frame::Email::Address->parse( $email_in ) Para::Frame::Email::Address->parse( $address_obj )
Same as /parse, excepts that it returns an object even if the parsing failed. For representing existing, faulty email addresses.
$class->new( $string )
Simple constructor that only takes string and returns object
Returns true if the parsing failed
Returns: the error message, if the email is broken, or from the latest validation.
Same as /address
Returns the original value given at creation
Returns a string using Mail::Address/user
Returns a string using Mail::Address/address
Returns a string using Mail::Address/host
Reimplements Mail::Address/format, since /name may have been subclassd.
As /format but mime-encodes non-ascii chars.
Returns a human readable version of the object including the name if existing.
Returns the name for the email address.
Returns the phrase in the email address.
Returns the comment in the email address.
Gives a resonable designation of the object. Calls /format
Checks that the address is valid. Checks that the domain exists and that it accepts email. If possible, checks that the email address exists at that domain.
Returns true if address was validated.
If the address was not validated, throws an exception.
email - ... an explanation of what went wrong ...
Makes $a2 a atring if it is an object using /as_string.
Checks that the two strings are equal.
Returns true or false.
Adds email
as an global tt param. Uses /parse.