Para::Frame::Reload - Reloads updated modules in the app
use Para::Frame::Reload;
Updated actions are always reloaded if touched.
For all other modules; Insert the use row in the module, and it will
be checkd for updates at the beginning of each request. The use row
must be loaded AFTER the definition of any import()
method. If
Exporter is used, place use Para::Frame::Reload
after the use
base qw( Exporter)
Para::Frame::Reload->call_import() Para::Frame::Reload->call_import( $pkgname )
The Relod module will intercept calls to import(), regestring the modules and the parameters they are sending. When a registred module is reloaded, the import() will be called from the perspective of each calling module.
This will not be done if the registred module has defined a on_reload() method. In that case, you will have to call this method yourself;
If you can call it without $pkgname, it will be set to the caller package.
The resone for this import() handling is that even if the module is reloaded, the other modules that have imported functions still has a reference to the old version. (If you used Exporter)
This is done by creating an import() function in the module that will call the original import(). This original import is probably the Exporter import() function, loaded by UNIVERSAL.
Subsequent imports are called via special on_reload_...() methods placed in the module namespace;
If the module has a on_reload() method, it will be called after the modules has been reloaded. This is not a method of Para::Frame::Reload.
You can use this callback for calling the modules_importing_from_us() method, like this:
sub on_reload { Para::Frame::Reload->modules_importing_from_us; }
Para::Frame::Reload->modules_importing_from_us() Para::Frame::Reload->modules_importing_from_us( $pkgname )
If you can call it without $pkgname
, it will be set to the caller
This will reload all modules that use
d $pkgname
. That reload
will take care of the import() calls, making the call_import() method
This is necessary to do if $pkgname has exported any constants. See c<sub on_reload> for example usage.
All warnings during the recompilation will be hidden. If the compilation failes, they will be shown along with the compilation error messages.
The previous version of the module will remain in memory and continue being used. This gives you time to correct the errors, without any interruptions, if possible.
Para::Frame::Reload->reload( $module, $mtime )
is the filename given to require
NOTE: Defined in Para::Frame::Utils but given here to avoid cyclic dependency