Para::Topic->find_by_alias( $name, $crits )
crits: active status_min
crits apply both to the alias and the topic
$t->set_parent( $t )
$t->set_next( $n );
fails if $t already has a next
$e->move_branch($d, $follows, $before_child)
Moves the entry $e to destination $d, including all its childrens and followers.
If $follows is true, it place $e following $d; otherwise, it places $e as a child of $d
I $before_child is true, and $follows is false; $e will become a child of $d, but the first child of $d will follow $e.
Returns a formatted diagnostic report of what was done
$e->move_branch($d, $follows)
Moves the entry $e to destination $d, leaving children and followers behind.
If $follows is true, it place $e following $d; otherwise, it places $e as a child of $d.
Returns a formatted diagnostic report of what was done
$t->aliases() $t->aliases(\%crits)
crits: active status_min
returns hashref of name=>alias pairs