Tie it all together, make your pages into real applications!
[% ajax->wu({ subj => node.id, pred_name => 'has_visitor', args... }) %]
Get a widget for updating from subj->wu( pred_name, $args )
Gives you a unique id to use for tying html/javascript/rb together.
[% ajax.register_page_part( divid, update_url, params ) %]
AJAX-widgets to use from tt or perl.
Rit::Guides::AJAX->switching_divs( $content_1, $content_2 ); [% ajax->switching_divs('This is a little, click me to see more.', 'This is much more! Bla bla bla.... !') %]
Makes two div's, the first shown and the second hidden. When the first is clicked, it is changed to the second instead (with a nifty scriptaculous shrink/grow).
[% ajax.action_button( label, divid, action, args ) %]