Inherits from RDF::Base::Resource
This will give the coltype that instances of the literal will have. (instance instance coltype).
Will not return obj
This will give the coltype id that instances of the literal will have. (instance instance coltype).
Will not return the obj
Get the perl class name that handles instances of this class.
It will be retrieved by the class_handled_by_perl_module property, or for Literals, by the corresponding coltype.
Literals, arcs and preds must only have ONE class. Other resoruces may have multiple classses.
Returns: the class name as a plain string
RDF::Base::Literal::Class->coltype_by_valtype_id( $id )
Dies if this is not a registred literal valtype
Returns: a coltype as a string
Example: valtext
RDF::Base::Literal::Class->coltype_by_valtype_id( $id )
Defaults to 'obj' for unregistred valtypes. Use /coltype_by_valtype_id if there souldn't be an undefined value.
Returns: a coltype as a string
Example: obj
RDF::Base::Literal::Class->coltype_by_coltype_id( $name )
RDF::Base::Literal::Class->coltype_id_by_coltype( $id )