Represents an undefined node. But tries harder to cooperate.
These can be called with the class name or any List object.
See RDF::Base::Literal/clean_plain
Make it a plain value
Search for arc may have resulted in undef. See RDF::Base::Arc/value.
The property "value" has special handling in its dynamic use for nodes. This means that you can only use this method as an ordinary method call. Not dynamicly.
Returns a unique predictable id representing this object
See RDF::Base::Node/wu_jump)
Returns: the string '<undef>' as HTML
returns: plain undef
returns: plain undef
Returns 0. (false)
Returns 0;
Compatible with Template::Iterator.
Returns: An arrayref
Returns a RDF::Base::List
Just as /as_list but regards the SCALAR/ARRAY context.
TODO: CHECK if not used anywhere...
Equals to RDF::Base::Resource/list. Do not confuse with /as_listobj.
TODO: Rewrite code for handling undef objects in arcs. Those will have a relvist in the same manner as literal nodes.
RDF::Base, RDF::Base::Resource, RDF::Base::Arc, RDF::Base::Pred, RDF::Base::Search