Create takes a hash of values and creates a row in the database:

  varchar(25) 'PrincipalType'.
  int(11) 'PrincipalId'.
  varchar(25) 'RightName'.
  varchar(25) 'ObjectType'.
  int(11) 'ObjectId'.
  int(11) 'DelegatedBy'.
  int(11) 'DelegatedFrom'.

Returns the current value of id. (In the database, id is stored as int(11).)

Returns the current value of PrincipalType. (In the database, PrincipalType is stored as varchar(25).)
SetPrincipalType VALUE

Set PrincipalType to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, PrincipalType will be stored as a varchar(25).)

Returns the current value of PrincipalId. (In the database, PrincipalId is stored as int(11).)
SetPrincipalId VALUE

Set PrincipalId to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, PrincipalId will be stored as a int(11).)

Returns the current value of RightName. (In the database, RightName is stored as varchar(25).)
SetRightName VALUE

Set RightName to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, RightName will be stored as a varchar(25).)

Returns the current value of ObjectType. (In the database, ObjectType is stored as varchar(25).)
SetObjectType VALUE

Set ObjectType to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, ObjectType will be stored as a varchar(25).)

Returns the current value of ObjectId. (In the database, ObjectId is stored as int(11).)
SetObjectId VALUE

Set ObjectId to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, ObjectId will be stored as a int(11).)

Returns the current value of DelegatedBy. (In the database, DelegatedBy is stored as int(11).)
SetDelegatedBy VALUE

Set DelegatedBy to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, DelegatedBy will be stored as a int(11).)

Returns the current value of DelegatedFrom. (In the database, DelegatedFrom is stored as int(11).)
SetDelegatedFrom VALUE

Set DelegatedFrom to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, DelegatedFrom will be stored as a int(11).)


This class allows "overlay" methods to be placed into the following files _Overlay is for a System overlay by the original author, _Vendor is for 3rd-party vendor add-ons, while _Local is for site-local customizations.

These overlay files can contain new subs or subs to replace existing subs in this module.

If you'll be working with perl 5.6.0 or greater, each of these files should begin with the line

   no warnings qw(redefine);

so that perl does not kick and scream when you redefine a subroutine or variable in your overlay.

RT::ACE_Overlay, RT::ACE_Vendor, RT::ACE_Local