Create one or more tickets according to an externally supplied template.
===Create-Ticket: codereview Subject: Code review for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject} Depended-On-By: TOP Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve it, so they can finish their work ENDOFCONTENT
Using the "CreateTickets" ScripAction and mandatory dependencies, RT now has the ability to model complex workflow. When a ticket is created in a queue that has a "CreateTickets" scripaction, that ScripAction parses its "Template"
CreateTickets uses the template as a template for an ordered set of tickets to create. The basic format is as follows:
===Create-Ticket: identifier Param: Value Param2: Value Param3: Value Content: Blah blah blah ENDOFCONTENT ===Create-Ticket: id2 Param: Value Content: Blah ENDOFCONTENT
Each ===Create-Ticket: section is evaluated as its own Text::Template object, which means that you can embed snippets of perl inside the Text::Template using {} delimiters, but that such sections absolutely can not span a ===Create-Ticket boundary.
After each ticket is created, it's stuffed into a hash called %Tickets so as to be available during the creation of other tickets during the same ScripAction. The hash is prepopulated with the ticket which triggered the ScripAction as $Tickets{'TOP'}; you can also access that ticket using the shorthand TOP.
A simple example:
===Create-Ticket: codereview Subject: Code review for {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject} Depended-On-By: TOP Content: Someone has created a ticket. you should review and approve it, so they can finish their work ENDOFCONTENT
A convoluted example
===Create-Ticket: approval { # Find out who the administrators of the group called "HR" # of which the creator of this ticket is a member my $name = "HR"; my $groups = RT::Groups->new($RT::SystemUser); $groups->LimitToUserDefinedGroups(); $groups->Limit(FIELD => "Name", OPERATOR => "=", VALUE => "$name"); $groups->WithMember($TransactionObj->CreatorObj->Id); my $groupid = $groups->First->Id; my $adminccs = RT::Users->new($RT::SystemUser); $adminccs->WhoHaveRight( Right => "AdminGroup", Object =>$groups->First, IncludeSystemRights => undef, IncludeSuperusers => 0, IncludeSubgroupMembers => 0, ); my @admins; while (my $admin = $adminccs->Next) { push (@admins, $admin->EmailAddress); } } Queue: Approvals Type: Approval AdminCc: {join ("\nAdminCc: ",@admins) } Depended-On-By: TOP Refers-To: TOP Subject: Approval for ticket: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id} - {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject} Due: {time + 86400} Content-Type: text/plain Content: Your approval is requested for the ticket {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Subject} Blah Blah ENDOFCONTENT ===Create-Ticket: two Subject: Manager approval Depended-On-By: TOP Refers-On: {$Tickets{"approval"}->Id} Queue: Approvals Content-Type: text/plain Content: Your approval is requred for this ticket, too. ENDOFCONTENT =head2 Acceptable fields
A complete list of acceptable fields for this beastie:
* Queue => Name or id# of a queue Subject => A text string ! Status => A valid status. defaults to 'new' Due => Dates can be specified in seconds since the epoch to be handled literally or in a semi-free textual format which RT will attempt to parse. Starts => Started => Resolved => Owner => Username or id of an RT user who can and should own this ticket + Requestor => Email address + Cc => Email address + AdminCc => Email address TimeWorked => TimeEstimated => TimeLeft => InitialPriority => FinalPriority => Type => +! DependsOn => +! DependedOnBy => +! RefersTo => +! ReferredToBy => +! Members => +! MemberOf => Content => content. Can extend to multiple lines. Everything within a template after a Content: header is treated as content until we hit a line containing only ENDOFCONTENT ContentType => the content-type of the Content field CustomField-<id#> => custom field value
Fields marked with an * are required.
Fields marked with a + man have multiple values, simply by repeating the fieldname on a new line with an additional value.
Fields marked with a ! are postponed to be processed after all tickets in the same actions are created. Except for 'Status', those field can also take a ticket name within the same action (i.e. the identifiers after ==Create-Ticket), instead of raw Ticket ID numbers.
When parsed, field names are converted to lowercase and have -s stripped. Refers-To, RefersTo, refersto, refers-to and r-e-f-er-s-tO will all be treated as the same thing.
Jesse Vincent <jesse@bestpractical.com>