RT::Action::SendEmail - An Action which users can use to send mail or can subclassed for more specialized mail sending behavior. RT::Action::AutoReply is a good example subclass.
require RT::Action::SendEmail; @ISA = qw(RT::Action::SendEmail);
Basically, you create another module RT::Action::YourAction which ISA RT::Action::SendEmail.
If you want to set the recipients of the mail to something other than the addresses mentioned in the To, Cc, Bcc and headers in the template, you should subclass RT::Action::SendEmail and override either the SetRecipients method or the SetTo, SetCc, etc methods (see the comments for the SetRecipients sub).
Jesse Vincent <jesse@bestpractical.com> and Tobias Brox <tobix@cpan.org>
This routine adds all the random headers that RT wants in a mail message that don't matter much to anybody else.
Without this one, threading won't work very nice in email agents. Anyway, I'm not really sure it's that healthy if we need to send several separate/different emails about the same transaction.
Calculate and set From and Reply-To headers based on the is_comment flag.
Set the FIELD of the current MIME object into VALUE.
Dummy method to be overriden by subclasses which want to set the recipients.
Takes a string that is the addresses you want to send mail to
Takes a string that is the addresses you want to Cc
Takes a string that is the addresses you want to Bcc
This routine sets the subject. it does not add the rt tag. that gets done elsewhere If $self->{'Subject'} is already defined, it uses that. otherwise, it tries to get the transaction's subject.
This routine fixes the RT tag in the subject. It's unlikely that you want to overwrite this.
This routine converts the field into specified charset encoding.
Takes a string and a possible encoding and returns the string wrapped in MIME goo.