use RT::Groups; my $groups = $RT::Groups->new($CurrentUser); $groups->LimitToReal(); while (my $group = $groups->Next()) { print $group->Id ." is a group id\n"; }
Return only SystemInternal Groups, such as "privileged" "unprivileged" and "everyone"
Return only UserDefined Groups
Return only Personal Groups for the user whose principal id is PRINCIPAL_ID
Limits the set of groups found to role groups for queue QUEUE_ID
Limits the set of groups found to role groups for Ticket Ticket_ID
Limits the set of groups found to role groups for System System_ID
Limits the set of groups returned to groups which have Principal PRINCIPAL_ID as a member =begin testing
my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser); $u->Create(Name => 'Membertests'); my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser); my ($id, $msg) = $g->CreateUserDefinedGroup(Name => 'Membertests'); ok ($id,$msg);
my ($aid, $amsg) =$g->AddMember($u->id); ok ($aid, $amsg); ok($g->HasMember($u->PrincipalObj),"G has member u");
my $groups = RT::Groups->new($RT::SystemUser); $groups->LimitToUserDefinedGroups(); $groups->WithMember(PrincipalId => $u->id); ok ($groups->Count == 1,"found the 1 group - " . $groups->Count); ok ($groups->First->Id == $g->Id, "it's the right one");
Only find items that haven\'t been disabled
Only find items that have been deleted.