SWF::Movie - SWF Movie class
use SWF::Movie;
$m = new SWF::Movie(); $m = new SWF::MovieWithVersion(version);
SWF::Movie is the root object of your flashfile. It contains all your other objects you want in your movie. Ming supports many Flash4 and Flash5 features and some of Flash MX(Flash6).
The SWF::Movie object contains information like the flashversion, the size, the frames per second, the background color. Except that, the SWF::Movie behaves like a SWF::MovieClip. It only cannot be added to another SWF::Movie or SWF::MovieClip. ;-)
Notice: The version of your flashmovie can be set by the object SWF. See SWF for more details.
Add an instance of a SWF-object to your current frame. The returnvalue is a SWF::DisplayItem.
Possible SWF-objects are: SWF::Action SWF::MovieClip SWF::Shape SWF::Sound SWF::Text SWF::TextField $m->add($shape); # possible, but not more accessible for us $shape_1 = m->add($shape); # good instance
Removes the given instance from the current and following frames of the main timeline.
Finish a frame of the main timeline. New added objects will be added in the next frame.
Preset the number of frames of the main timeline. n not used frames before finishing the movie will filled with n nextFrame() statements. If you inserted more nextFrame() commands than you set with setFrames() the setFrames() will be ignored.
Set the background in red, green, blue values. Possible value are 0..255 or hexvalues 0x0..0xff.
$m-setBackground(0xff,0x99,0x00); # orange bg $m-setBackground(0,200,255) # green bg
A transparency level isn't available I asume. (In Flash MX/F6?). A transparent background can be set in the HTML-code for Internet Explorer. Please inform the Authors if that is available for nonIE-browsers.
Set the dimension in pixel.
#We should implement this in ming c-lib!! #min: (0.0,0.0) # ;-) #max: (?,?) #default: (0.0?,0.0?) #Behavior when values <min: ming sets it to min #Behavior when values >max: ming sets it to max $m->setDimension(200,100); $m->setDimension(123.45,67.89);
Set the playing speed in frames/second.
#We should implement this in ming c-lib!! #min: 0 #max: ? #default: ? #Behavior when value <min: ming sets it to min #Behavior when value >max: ming sets it to max $m->setRate(30);
A feature that prevents only flashnewbies from importing your movie into Macromedias Flash authoring tools. It cannot protect your content from being loaded by other flashmovies, deleting of the protection with a hexeditor or disassembling with tools.
Puts an SWF::Sound object as streaming sound into the main timeline.
Simplifies the setSoundStream(). You only need the filename.
Hint: If you want to reuse this sound/mp3 later in this movie, create a reusable SWF::Sound object and then put it into setSoundstream().
Gives the current frame a label that can be used by actionscript as anchor. Then you don't have to count your nextFrame() lines anymore. :-)
#max characters of a label??? #What happen if we put there a big string?? #Which characters are allowed??
Writes the SWF::Movie to stdout. This is normally used for webservers/cgi-scripts. Don't forget to send the "Content-Type:"-lines before writing out the movie.
The parameter compresslevel is optional. compresslevel between 0 and 9. Higher values will be interpreted as 9. Values smaller 0 mean no compression. By default the SWF::Movie will be send without compression.
Notice: compression available since Flash MX(Flash 6). Ming does not check this for you if you write flash4 or flash5 movies.
The parameter compresslevel is optional. compresslevel between 0 and 9. Higher values will be interpreted as 9. Values smaller 0 mean no compression. By default the SWF::Movie will be saved without compression.
Notice: compression available since Flash MX(Flash 6). Ming does not check this for you if you write flash4 or flash5 movies.
3 examples: a regular minimal SWF::Movie, one with all methods and a more interesting.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use SWF::Movie; $m = new SWF::Movie(); $m->nextFrame(); $m->save("emptyminimal.swf");
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use SWF::Movie; $m = new SWF::Movie(); $m->setVersion(4); $m->setBackground(0xff,0xcc,0x0); $m->setDimension(200,100); $m->protect(); $m->setRate(30); $m->setFrames(10); # ming fills it automatic with frames $m->nextFrame() $m->save("empty.swf");
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use SWF("Shape"); SWF::setVersion(6); $m = new SWF::Movie(); $m->setBackground(0xff,0xcc,0x0); $m->setDimension(200,100); $m->setFrames(10); $m->streamMp3("forever.mp3"); $s= new SWF::Shape(); $s->setLine(40,0xff,0xff,0); $s->setRightFill(0xff,0,0); $s->drawLine(50,0); $s->drawLine(0,20); $s->drawLineTo(0,0); $s_1= $m->add($s); $s_2= $m->add($s); $s_1->move(50,40); $s_2->move(10,40); for($i=1;$i<5;$i++) { $m->nextFrame(); $s_2->move(0,10); } $m->nextFrame(); print "Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash\n\n";
$m->output(9); # with compression level 9 (since flash6)
Soheil Seyfaie (soheil at users.sourceforge.net).
SWF, SWF::Action, SWF::Bitmap, SWF::Button, SWF::Constants, SWF::DisplayItem, SWF::Fill, SWF::Font, SWF::Gradient, SWF::Morph, SWF::Movie, SWF::Shape, SWF::Sound, SWF::Sprite, SWF::TextField, SWF::Text