Tk::MsgBox - create and manipulate a message dialog
use Tk::MsgBox
$d = $top->MsgBox(-title => "Title", -type => "okcancel");
$button = $d->Show;
MsgBox is a simple dialog with predefined buttons.
The options recognized by MsgBox are as follows:
- -icon
Specify the icon of the MsgBox. Valid values are error, info,
question, or warning.
- -type
Specify the type of the MsgBox. Valid values are abortretryignore,
ok, okcancel, retrycancel, yesno, or yesnocancel. The
type determines the buttons to be shown.
- -default
Specify the default button. This must be one of abort, retry,
ignore, ok, cancel, yes, or no, depending on the type
of the MsgBox previously specified.
- -detail
Specify text for the detail region of the MsgBox.
- -message
Specify the message text of the MsgBox.
- -title
Specify the title of the MsgBox.
MsgBox supports only one method as of now:
- Show()
Displays the MsgBox until the user invokes one of the buttons. Returns
the name of the button invoked.
Translated from Tcl/Tk by Slaven Rezic
This code is distributed under the same terms as Perl.
Tk::messageBox, Tk::DialogBox, Tk::Dialog.