This is a list of questions people asked since the module has been
announced in fall 1997, and my answers to them.
- What Perl version do I need? What other modules?
You need perl at least 5.004. I test each new distribution agains
5.005* and 5.004_04 version of perl. You need DBI module version 1.00
or higher, if you want to use the DBD driver (which you should).
- Can I use under Windows 95/NT?
Yes. It's a standard Perl module so there is no reason it shouldn't.
Or, actually, there are a lot of reasons why standard thing do not
work on systems that are broken, but I'm trying hard to workaround
these bugs. If you find a problem on these platform, send me
a description and I'll try to find yet another workaround.
- Is there a choice of the format of the date?
The only possible format in which you can get the date and that the
module expect for inserts and updates is a 8 char string 'YYYYMMDD'.
It is not possible to change this format. I prefer to do the formating
myself since you have more control over it.
- With, the
also returns records marked as deleted. Why?
Because. You get the _DELETED flag as the first value of the array.
This gives you a possibility to decide what to do -- undelete,
ignore... It's a feature -- you say you want a record of given
number, you get it and get additional information, if the record is or
isn't deleted.
- However, when reading the same file using DBD::XBase, I do not see the deleted records.
That's correct: DBD::XBase only gives you records that are positively
in the file and not deleted. Which shows that is a lower
level tool because you can touch records that are deleted, while
DBD::XBase is higher level -- it gives you SQL interface and let's you
work with the file more naturaly (what is deleted should stay
- I have this dbf/something file created with [your favorite] tool and cannot read it.
Describe exactly, what you expect and what you get. Send me the file
(I understand attachments, uuencode, tar, gzip and zip) so that
I can check what it going on and make undestand your file.
A small sample (three rows, or so) are generally enough but you can
send the whole file if it doesn't have megabytes.
- I want to install the module but I do not have make on my [your damaged] system.
On Win* platform and with ActiveState port, use ppm to install
DBD::XBase from ActiveState's site. You can also just copy the files
from the lib directory of the distribution to where perl can find
them. See
- I have make but I cannot install into default directory and my sysadmin doesn't want to do it for me.
Fire the sysadmin. See
for how to install into and use
nonstandard place for the module.
- Can I access one dbf file both from Perl and (say) Clipper?
For reading -- yes. For writing -- has a locksh and lockex
method to lock the file. The question is to what extend Clipper (or
Fox* or whatever) uses the same system calls. So the answer is that
for multiple updates you should probably consider real RDBMS system
(PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, to name a few).
- breaks my accented characters.
No, it doesn't. The character data is returned exactly as it appears
in the dbf/dbt file. You probably brought the file from differenct
system that uses differend character encodings. So some bytes in the
strings have different meaning on that system. You also probably have
fonts in different encoding on that system. In the Czech language, we
have about 6 different encoding that affect possition at which
accented characters appear.
So what you really want to do is to use some external utility to
convert the strings to encoding you need -- for example, when I bring
the dbf from Win*, ot often is in the Windows-1250 or PC-Latin-2
encoding, while the standard is ISO-8859-2. I use my utility
Cz::Cstocs to do the conversion, you maight also try GNU program
- How do I access the fields in the memo file?
Just read the memo field, it will fetch the data from the memo file
for you transparently.
- I try to use
select * from table where field = '%str%'
but it doesn't work. Why?
If you want to match wildcards with DBD::XBase, you have to use like:
select * from table where field like '%str%'
- Can I sue you if I use and it corrupts my dbf's?
No. At least, I hope no. The software is provided without any
warranty, in a hope you might find is usefull. Which is by the way
the same as with most other software, even if you pay for that. What
is different with is the fact that if you find out
that the results are different from those expected, you are welcome to
contact me, describe the problem and send me the files that give the
module troubles, and I'll try to find a reason and fix the module.
- What dbf/other files standard does the module support?
I try to support any file that looks reasonably as
dbf/dbt/fpt/smt/ndx/ntx/mdx/idx/cdx. There are many clones of
XBase-like software, each adding its own extension. The module tries
to accept all different variations. To do that, I need your
cooperation however -- usually good description of the problem, file
sample and expected results lead to rather fast patch.
- What SQL standard does the DBD::XBase support?
If supports a reasonable subset of the SQL syntax, IMHO. So you can do
select, delete, insert and update, create and drop table. If there is
something that should be added, let me know and I will consider it.
Having said that, I do not expect to ever support joins, for example.
This module is more a parser to read files from your legacy
applications that a RDBMS -- you can find plenty of them around -- use
- I downloaded you module to [fill your] system and I do not know how to install it.
Did you follow the steps in the
? Where did it fail? This module
uses a standard way modules in Perl are installed. If you've never
installed a module on your system and you system is so unstandard that
the general instrauction do not help, you should contact your system
administrator or the support for your system.
- Does the module allow for any aggregate functions in the select, like select max(field) from table?
No, aggregate functions are not supported. It would probably be very
slow, since the DBD doesn't make use of indexes at the moment. I do
not have plans to add this support in some near future.
- I try to
on my [fill your favorite] system and it says that the directory doesn't exist. But it's there. Is DBD::XBase mad or what?
The third part of the first parameter to the connect is the directory
where DBD::XBase will look for the dbf files. During connect, the
module checks if -d $directory
. So if it says it's not there, it's not
there and the only thing DBD::XBase can do about it is to report it to
you. It might be that the directory is not mounted, you do not have
permissions to it, the script is running under different UID than when
you try it from command line... Anyway, add
die "Error reading $dir: $!\n" unless -d $dir;
to your script and you will see that it's not DBD::XBase problem.
- The stops after reading n records. Why doesn't it read all 10 x n records?
Check if the file isn't truncated. dbfdump -i file.dbf
will tell
you the expected number of records and length of one record, like
Filename: file.dbf
Version: 0x03 (ver. 3)
Num of records: 65
Header length: 1313
Record length: 1117
Last change: 1998/12/18
Num fields: 40
So the expected length of the file is at least 1313 + 65 * 1117. If
it's shorted, you've got damaged file and only
reads as much rows as it can find in the dbf.
- How is this DBD::XBase related to DBD::ODBC?
DBD::XBase reads the dbf files directly, using the (included) module. So it will run on any platform with reasonable new
perl. With DBD::ODBC, you need an ODBC server, or some program, that
DBD::ODBC could talk to. Many proprietary software can serve as ODBC
source for dbf files, it just doesn't seem to run on Un*x systems. And
is also much more resource intensive, if you just need to read the
file record by record and convert it to HTML page or do similary
simple operation with it.
- How do I pack the dbf file, after the records were deleted?
- doesn't support this directly. You'd probably want to
create new table, copy the data and rename back. Patches are always
- Foxpro doesn't see all fields in dbf created with
Put 'version' => 3 options in to the create call -- that way we say
that the dbf file is dBaseIII style.