Para::Frame::Template::Components - Common template macro widgets
These macros are defined in inc/html/c/
and can be
replaced by a custom implementation by a file with the same name in
your TT path.
Widgets can be implemented either as exported objects (functions / methods / variables) or as templates for inclusion or defined template macros.
These are the standard widgets defined as TT macros. See also the standard Para::Frame::Widget module.
Draws a box where part is a Para::Frame::Result::Part object. It uses:
part.title = title in box part.message = the message part.context = More info part.context_line = The row number part.border = The colour of the outer border part.width = The width of the outer border = The background colour of the box
The box uses the class paraframe_box
The message and context are written in <pre>
blocks and are
HTML escaped.
step(label, template, run) step(label, template) step(label)
Draws buttons to navigate between forms.
Draws buttons for search forms.
Draws buttons for when the form has a given default action and template.
Draws buttons For not doing anything with this page, but continue to next step.
Draws buttons for going back to the previous page.
Draws a button for removing one step from the route.
Draws a button for going to the next step.
select( $field, $current, @data, $valkey, $tagkey, $header ) select( $field, $current, %data )
Draws a dropdown menu from a list of records (from a DB).
First version:
The select field has the name $field. @data is the list of records returned from select_list(). $valkey is the field name holding the values and $tagkey is the field holding the lables used in the dropdown. $current is the current value used for determining which item to select.
If $header is defiend, it's a label first in the list without a value.
<p>[% select( "sender", "", select_list("from users"), "user_id", "username", "Choose" ) %]
Second version:
%data is a hashref. The select will consist of all the keys and values, sorted on the keys. $current value will be selected. $field is the name of fhe field.
<p>[% select("frequency", "", { '1' = "every month", '2' = "every week", '3' = "every day", }) %]
Creates a small hr.
sort(name, value, default_direction)
Draws a sort link to be used in a column header.
name = The label to draw as the column header value = the field name in the DB table to use default_direction = asc or desc
Default value is name
Default direction is asc
If the header is selected, it uses the class selected
The sorting direction is placed in the variable direction
The sorting field is placed in the variable order
The offset is placed in offset
<h2>Translation</h2> [%# The default order here is sv and the default direction asc #%] [% order = q.param('order') || 'sv' %] [% direction = q.param('direction' || 'asc') %] <table> <tr><th>[% sort('English', 'en') %]</th> <th>[% sort('Swedish', 'sv') %]</th> </tr> [% FOREACH tr IN select_list("from tr order by $order $direction") %] [% tr2 %] <td>[% %]</td> <td>[% tr.en %]</td> </tr> [% END %] </table>
[% WRAPPER expand label=$mylabel %] $content [% END %] [% WRAPPER expand label_show=$show_html label_hide=$hide_html %] $content [% END %]
Draws a widget with label_show
or label
. Click that label to
expand the $content
For collapsed state, the class paraframe_expand
is used and for the
expanded state, the class paraframe_expanded
is used.
See Template::Manual::Directives/Processing Other Template Files and Blocks
[% WRAPPER expand label=$mylabel %params %] $content [% END %]
Draws a widget with label
and a img button. Click that label to
expand the $content
. Default label
is an empty string.
is used for the label and button. Default is paraframe_imgexpand
is used for the $content
. Default is paraframe_imgexpanded
The content block gets id_block
. Default uses a counter.
The label gets the id id_label
. Default uses a counter.
The image beside the label uses label_expand_img
. Default is
The params above can be given as params to the wrapper.
Para::Frame, Para::Frame::Widget
In .css: [% PROCESS %] [% roundbox($classname, $imgdir, $color, $background, $s_width) %] In .tt: [% WRAPPER roundbox imgdir=$imgdir title=$mytitle class=$classname %] Some contents... [% roundbox_subtitle($subtitle1) %] Some more... [% roundbox_subtitle($subtitle2) %] Some more... [% END %]
Draws a widget with rounded corners (or rather, with a frame of png's).
$s_width is width (in px) of the side (A). $imgdir is concatenated with the following:
Header: h_bg.png - Background of header 1 × Ay px, Repeated in X h_left.png - Left of header (rounded corner) Ax × Ay px, Not repeated h_right.png - Right of header (rounded corner) Bx × Ay px, Not repeated h_left_wh.png - Forced min-size of left and top border Ax × Ay px, transparent h_right_w.png - Forced min-width of right border Bx × 1 px, transparent
Sides: s_left.png - Left side Ax × 1 px, Repeated in Y s_right.png - Right side Ax × 1 px, Repeated in Y
Subtitle: m_bg.png - Subtitle background 1 × Cy px, Repeated in X m_s_left.png - Left of subtitle A x Cy px, Not repeated m_s_right.png - Right of subtitle A × Cy px, Not repeated
Bottom: b_bg.png - Bottom border 1 × By px, Repeated in X b_left.png - Bottom left corner A × By px, Not repeated b_right.png - Bottom right corner A × By px, Not repeated b_height.png - Forced min-height of bottom border 1 × By px, transparent
In .tt [% calendar($name, $value, %params) %] Draws a calendar widget that returns the selected date to the input field specified. Uses input to draw the input field, forwards input's standard parameters and also "class" and "style". The field's id defaults to the fieldname. Use one of the supplied css-files in /html/pf/js/calendar (either as is or as a template for a new style).