Para::Frame::Widget - Common template widgets
is an optional module. It will not be used unless
the application calls it or uses the default application init method.
Widgets can be implemented either as exported objects (functions / methods / variables) or as templates for inclusion or defined template macros.
These are the standard widgets defined as Perl code. See also the standard Para::Frame::Template::Components.
slider( %attrs )
Draws a series of radiobuttons representing a range of numerical values.
field = form field name
min = value of the leftmost radiobutton (default is 0)
max = value of the rightmost radiobutton (default is 100)
number = number of buttons (default is 6)
current = The current value. The nearest button will be selected.
The $current value will be taken from query param $field or $current or 0, in turn.
jump( $label, $template, \%attrs ) jump( $label, $template_with_query, \%attrs ) jump( $label, $uri, \%attrs )
Draw a link to $template
with text $label
and query params
Special attrs include
Used instead of deprecated attrs href_target
, href_onclick
, href_id
and href_style
If no class is set, the class will be same_place
if the link goes to
the current page. To be used with CSS for marking the current page in
Default $label = '???'
Default $template = '', witch would be the current template
jump_extra( $template, \%attr, \%args )
submit( $label, $setval, \%attrs )
Draw a form submit button with text $label and value $setval.
Default label = 'Continue'
Default setval is to not have a value
Special attrs include
Used instead of deprecated attrs href_target
, href_onclick
, href_id
and href_style
TODO: Do html escape of value
go( $label, $template, $run, \%attrs )
Draw a form submit button with text $label. Sets template to $template and runs action $run. %attrs specifies form fields to be set to specified values.
Default $label = '???'
Default $template is previously set next_template
Default $run = 'nop'
All fields set by %attrs must exist in the form. (Maybe as hidden elements)
Special attrs include
Used instead of deprecated attrs href_target
, href_onclick
, href_id
and href_style
TODO: Do html escape of value
forward( $label, $template, %attrs )
Draw a link to $template with text $label and query params %attrs as well as all the query params. Params set in %attrs overide the previous value. Also sets param 'previous' to current template.
Default $label = '???'
Default $template = '' which would be the current template
preserve_data( @fields )
Preserves most query params EXCEPT those mentioned in @fields. This is done by creating extra hidden fields. This method will thus only work with a form submit.
The special query params 'previous', 'run', 'route' and 'reqnum' are also excepted. And some more...
alfanum_bar( $template, $field )
Draws a alfanumerical bar, each letter being a link to $template with the letter as value for field $field.
rowlist( $text )
Returns a list of values. One entry for each nonempty row in the text.
list2block( @values )
This is the inverse of rowlist. Returns a textblock created from a list of values.
list2block and rowlist can be used for transfering list of values between page requests.
hidden( $field, $value, %attrs )
Inserts a hidden form field with name $field and value $value.
Default $value is query param $field or $value, in turn.
input( $field, $value, %attrs )
Draws a input field widget.
Sets form field name to $field and value to $value.
will be taken from query param $field
or $value
, in
size: width of input field (default is undef) maxlength: max number of chars (default is size times 3) tdlabel: Sets C<label> and separates it with a C<td> tag. label: draws a label before the field with the given text label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and input tag id: used for label. Defaults to C<$field> onchange: used for scripts, NOT html-escaped!
All other attributes are directly added to the input tag, with the value html escaped.
Drawing a input field widget with a label [% input('location_name', '', label=loc('Location')) %]
password( $field, $value, %attrs )
Draws a password input field widget.
Sets form field name to $field and value to $value.
will be taken from query param $field
size: width of input field (default is undef) maxlength: max number of chars (default is size times 3) tdlabel: Sets C<label> and separates it with a C<td> tag. label: draws a label before the field with the given text label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and input tag id: used for label. Defaults to C<$field> onchange: used for scripts, NOT html-escaped!
All other attributes are directly added to the input tag, with the value html escaped.
Drawing a password input field widget with a label [% password('location_name', '', label=loc('Password')) %]
textarea( $field, $value, %attrs )
Draws a textarea with fied name $field and value $value.
will be taken from query param $field
or $value
, in
cols: width (default is undef) rows: hight (default is 20) label: draws a label before the field with the given text tdlabel: Sets C<label> and separates it with a C<td> tag. label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and input tag id: used for label. Defaults to C<$field>
All other attributes are directly added to the input tag, with the value html escaped.
The default wrap attribute is 'virtual'.
htmlarea( $field, $value, %attrs )
Draws a htmlarea with fied name $field and value $value.
will be taken from query param $field
or $value
, in
cols: width (default is 60) rows: hight (default is 20) label: draws a label before the field with the given text tdlabel: Sets C<label> and separates it with a C<td> tag. label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and input tag id: used for label. Defaults to C<$field>
All other attributes are directly added to the input tag, with the value html escaped.
The default wrap attribute is 'virtual'.
checkbox( $field, $value, $checked, %attrs ) checkbox( $field, $value, %attrs ) checkbox( $field, %attrs )
Draws a checkbox with fied name $field and value $value.
will be taken from query param $field
or $checked
in turn. Set to true if query param value equals C$value>. Set to
false if $checked is either false or 'f'.
Default $value
is 1
prefix_label: draws a label before the field with the given text suffix_label: draws a label after the field with the given text label: sets suffix_label tdlabel: sets suffix_label followed by a td label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and checkbox tag id: used for label. Defaults to C<$field>
All other attributes are directly added to the input tag, with the value html escaped.
radio( $field, $value, $checked, %attrs ) radio( $field, $value, %attrs )
Draws a radio button with field name $field and value $value.
will be taken from query param $field
or $checked
, in
turn. Set to false if $checked is either false or 'f'.
prefix_label: draws a label before the field with the given text suffix_label: draws a label after the field with the given text label: sets suffix_label label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and checkbox tag id: used for label. Mandatory if label is set
All other attributes are directly added to the input tag, with the value html escaped.
filefield( $key, %attrs )
Draws a file-field
cols = Width of input-field value = default file upload value
Name "selector" is because "select" is a protected term.
selector( $field, $current, @data, { valkey => $valkey, tagkey => $tagkey, header => $header, %attrs, } ) selector( $field, $current, %data, \%attrs )
Draws a dropdown menu from a list of records (from a DB).
First version:
The select field has the name $field. @data is the list of records returned from select_list(). $valkey is the field name holding the values and $tagkey is the field holding the lables used in the dropdown. $current is the current value used for determining which item to select.
If $header is defiend, it's a label first in the list without a value.
<p>[% selector( "sender", "", select_list("from users"), valkey = "user_id", tagkey = "username", header = "Choose" ) %]
Second version:
%data is a hashref. The select will consist of all the keys and values, sorted on the keys. $current value will be selected. $field is the name of fhe field.
<p>[% selector("frequency", "", { '1' = "every month", '2' = "every week", '3' = "every day", }) %] valkey is the key in the hash for the value tagkey is the key in the hash for the label relkey is the key in the hash for the rel; see usableforms... tdlabel: Sets C<label> and separates it with a C<td> tag. label: draws a label before the field with the given text label_class: Adds a class to the C<label> tag separator: adds the unescaped string between label and input tag id: used for label. Defaults to C<$field>
Special attrs include
Used instead of deprecated attrs href_class
, href_target
, href_onchange
and href_style
Usage: $params->{id} ||= $key; $out .= label_from_params($params);
Converts the rest of the params to tag-keys.
Example: $extra = tag_extra_from_params({ class => 'nopad', style => 'float: left' });
--> $extra = ' class="nopad" style="float: left"'
Deprecated. Use $site->css->header() instead (Para::Frame::CSS/header).
favicon_header( $url )
Draws a favicon header.
Paths not beginning with / are relative to the site home.
confirm_simple() confirm_simple( $headline ) confirm_simple( $headline, $text ) confirm_simple( $headline, $text, $button_name )
Returns true if the question in the $headline
has been confirmed.
Use a unique headline if there is any chanse that multiple
confirmations will be required in a route of actions.
If no confirmation has been given, creates a confirmation dialog box
and displays it by using an incomplete
exception and the
$headline = 'Are you sure?' $text = '' $button_name = 'Yes'
In an action:
use Para::Frame::Widget qw( confirm_simple ); confirm_simple("Remove $obj_name?"); $obj->remove;
inflect( $number, $one, $many ) inflect( $number, $none, $one, $many )
If called without $none, it will use $many for $none.
Replaces %d with the $number.
Uses $many for negative numbers
inflect( 1, "no things", "a thing", "%d things")
returns "a thing"
inflect(0, "a thing", "%d things")
returns "0 things"
Added as a filter to html burner.
calendar( $field, $value, \%args )
supported args are id tdlabel label label_class separator style class maxlength size onUpdate showsTime date
$args->{'image_url'} || $Para::Frame::CFG->{'images_uploaded_url'} || '/images';