Inherits from RDF::Base::List
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/active
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/direct
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/active and RDF::Base::Arc/direct
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/submitted
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/is_new
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/old
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/inactive
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/indirect
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/not_submitted
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/explicit
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/implicit
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/not_new
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/not_old
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/not_disregarded
Returns: A new list with the arcs that are RDF::Base::Arc/disregarded
Returns: A new list with the subjs
(values() is taken as a perl function)
Returns: A new list with the values
Returns: A new list with the preds
$l->meets_proplim($proplim, \%args)
Not implemented
Returns: A new list with the arcs that meets the arclim
$list->unique_arcs_prio( \@arcproperties )
$list->unique_arcs_prio( ['new','submitted','active'] )
A List object with arc duplicates filtered out. Using the latest version if multiple arcs with same priority.
$list->arc_active_on_date( $date ) $args = parse_propargs({ arc_active_on_date => $date })
See also RDF::Base::Arc/version_by_date
Returns: A RDF::Base::Arc::List with the active arc, or an empty list if none found.
RDF::Base, RDF::Base::Resource, RDF::Base::Arc, RDF::Base::Pred, RDF::Base::Search