Represents an Email Address
These can be called with the class name or any List object.
$this->new( $value, $valtype )
Calls Para::Frame::Email::Address/new
Will not throw an exception if email address is faulty
Wrapper for Para::Frame::Email::Address/parse that reimplements RDF::Base::Literal::String/parse. (Avoid recursion)
Will NOT throw exception if not a correct email address
Assumes that the value from DB is correct
$a->as_html( \%args )
Supported args are:
method tag_*
defaults to format
The designation of an object, to be used for node administration or debugging.
The designation of an object, to be used for node administration or debugging. Uses Para::Frame::Email::Address/desig
Returns a unique predictable id representing this object
The literal value that this object represents.
Just returns the plain string
Make it a plain value. Safer than using ->literal, since it also works for Undef objects.
Returns: The address part Para::Frame::Email::Address/address
NB! Only store the address part in the DB. For broken email addresses, it will be the original string.
Used in Para::Frame::Email::Address. Overrides RDF::Base::Object/as_string.
Overrides Para::Frame::Email::Address/name. Using the name of the node pointing to this literal, if existing and if no name is found in the email itself.
RDF::Base::Literal, RDF::Base::Resource, RDF::Base::Arc, RDF::Base::Pred, RDF::Base::Search