Para::Frame::List - Methods for list manipulation
# The right way:
my $list = Para::Frame::List->new( \@biglist ); my( $value, $error ) = $list->get_first; while(! $error ) { # ... my code } continue { ( $value, $error ) = $list->get_next; }
# The risky way, for lists that doesn't contain false values:
my $list = Para::Frame::List->new( \@biglist ); $list->reset; # if used before... while( my $value = $list->get_next_nos ) { # ... my code }
# The lazy way:
my $list = Para::Frame::List->new( \@biglist ); foreach my $value ( $list->as_array ) { # ... my code }
LOOK! REDEFINES shift, push, pop, unshift, splice, join, index
The object is overloaded to be used as a ref to the list it contains. All list operations can be used as usual. Example:
my $l = Para::Frame::List->new( \@biglist ); my $first_element = $l->[0]; my $last_element = pop @$l;
The iteration methods is compatible with (and inherits from) Template::Iterator. (The iterator status codes are taken from Template::Constants.)
CGI query parameters reserved for use with some methods are:
order direction table_page
Since Para::Frame is built for use with Template, it implements the Template::Iterator class.
But this class is extanded to provide more useful things. Primarely:
* Iteration * Initialize list elements on demand * Split list into pages * Access metadata about the list * Modify the list
There are a large amount of diffrent implementation of iterators and List classes. I will try to keep the method names clear and mention choises from other modules.
This module is subclassable.
We should implement all methods in a way that allow subclasses to only initiate and hold the specified used parts in memory, maby by using tie.
TODO: Implement the rest of the array modification methods()
TODO: Use a tied array var for overload, in order to update metadata on change.
Subclasses that don't want to load the whole list in memory should implement:
max() size() get_next_raw() get_prev_raw()
Subclasses that want to construct the list on demand should implement:
$l = $class->new( \@list ) $l = $class->new( \@list, \%params )
Availible params are:
page_size (default is 20 ) display_pages (default is 10 ) limit_pages (default is 0 == unlimited) limit (default is 0 == unlimited) limit_display (default is 0 == unlimited) materializer (default is undef == list is material) type (default is undef) allow_undef (default is undef)
The first argument may be a Para::Frame::List object, in which case it's content is copied to this new list.
If the first argument is undef, the list is marked as unpopulated
See also: /set_materializer
Compatible with Template::Iterator/new.
A an object blessed in $class
$l = $class->new( $any ) $l = $class->new( $any, \%params )
The same as /new but accepts more forms of lists.
If $any
is a Para::Frame::List object, or an array ref, it will
be sent to the /new constructor.
For all other defined values of $any, it will be taken as a list of
that single element and sent to /new as [$any]
If $any
is undef, the constructor /new_empty will be used.
$l = $class->new_empty()
This is an optimized form of /new that is faster and more memory efficient than /new but should behave in the same way.
Called by /new for additional initializing. Subclasses can use this for filling the list with data or adding more properties.
$l->set_materializer( $materializer )
The materializer can be used to format an element before it's returned from the list. This can be used for turning a record id to an object. With a materializer, the objectification or formatting of the data can be done on demand which will save a lot of computation in the case of large lists like search results.
should be a subref that takes the params $l, $i
where $i
is the index of the element to materialize. The
materializer sub should return the materialized form of the element.
See /materialize_all and /new.
The given $materializer
See also /get_all and /as_list. Most other modules misses a comparable method.
This method is used by the array dereferencing overload.
A ref to the internal list of elements returned by /materialize_all.
implemented concatenate_by_overload()
stringify_by_overload() method defined
Returns the internal arrayref to the unmaterialized elements.
Compatible with Template::Iterator.
See also /get_all and /elements.
A ref to the internal list of elements returned by /materialize_all.
Retruns: the object itself
Similar to List::Object/array and IO::Handle/getlines. See also /get_all and /as_list.
The list as a list. (Not a ref) (And not realy an array either...)
Returns the unmaterialized list as a list of elements (not ref).
Reimplement this if the content should be set on demand in a subclass.
The raw data listref of unmateralized elements.
If /materializer is set, calls it for each unmaterialized element and returns a ref to an array of the materialized elements
In no materialization is needed, just returns the existing data as an array ref.
$l->from_page( $pagenum ) $l->from_page
Returns a ref to a list of elements corresponding to the given
based on the /page_size. If no $pagenum
is given, takes the value from query param table_page or 1.
... I have looked at Array::Window but will not use it.
$l->slice( $start ) $l->slice( $start, $end ) $l->slice( $start, $end, \%args )
Similar to Class::DBI::Iterator/slice.
If %args
is not given, clones the args of $l
Uses /set_index and /get_next_raw and /index.
A Para::Frame::List created with the same /type, /allow_undef and /materializer args.
Similar to Tie::Array::Iterable/set_index and IO::Seekable/seek. Most iterator classes doesn't have a comparable method.
Valid positions range from -1 (before first element) to $size + 1
(after last element).
If $pos
is -1
, calls /reset.
Stores the object in the session for later retrieval by Para::Frame::Session/list
Returns the id
given to this object from /store in the
Returns the id
given to this object from /store in the
Returns the number of pages this list will take given /page_size.
Returns the page_size
set for this object.
$l->pagelist( $pagenum ) $l->pagelist
Returns a widget for navigating between the pages. If no $pagenum
is given, takes the value from query param table_page or 1.
If only one page, returns an empty string.
[% USE Sorted_table('created','desc') %] [% usertable = cached_select_list("from users order by $order $direction") %] <table> <tr> <th>[% sort("Skapad",'created','desc') %]</th> <th>[% sort("Namn",'username') %]</th> </tr> <tr><th colspan="2">[% usertable.size %] users</th></tr> <tr><th colspan="2"> [% usertable.pagelist %]</th></tr> [% FOREACH user IN usertable.from_page %] [% tr2 %] <td>[% user.created %]</td> <td>[% %]</td> </tr> [% END %] </table>
This uses Para::Frame::Template::Plugin::Sorted_table, Para::Frame::DBIx/cached_select_list, Para::Frame::Template::Components/sort, /size, this pagelist, Template::Manual::Directives/Loop Processing and Para::Frame::Template::Components/tr2.
Returns the current page number, as given by the query param table_page
$l->set_page_size( $page_size )
Sets and returns the given $page_size
Returns how many pages that should be listed by /pagelist.
Sets and returns the given /display_pages.
Sets and returns the given /limit_pages.
Returns the last page number that should be listed by /pagelist.
Returns how many results that will be shown then listed as pages
Sets and returns the given /limit_display.
Returns a string representation of the list. Using as_string
elements that isn't plain scalars.
$l->set_limit( $limit )
Limit the number of elements in the list.
A limit of $limit
or undef
means no limit.
Setting a limit smaller than the original length will make the elements beyond the limit unavailible, if they already was populated. Later setting a larger limit will not make more of the elements availible.
The limit is applied directly.
The number of elements before the applied limit, if known, can be retrieved from /original_size.
The limit may be larger than the elements in the list.
Similar to IO::Seekable/truncate except that it doesn't delete anything. Similar to limit in SQL.
TODO: Check for limit on array change
The limit set, or 0
The current limit set by /set_limit
The first record is returned, if defined, along with the STATUS_OK value. If there is no target data, or the data is an empty set, then undef is returned with the STATUS_DONE value as the second element in the return list.
Compatible with Template::Iterator. Similar to List::Object/first and Class::DBI::Iterator/first. Not the same as ouer /first.
Calls /reset if the iterator index isn't at the start (at -1).
The same as /get_first except that it only returns ONE value, that may be undef.
The last record is returned, if defined, along with the STATUS_OK value. If there is no target data, or the data is an empty set, then undef is returned with the STATUS_DONE value as the second element in the return list.
Similar to List::Object/last. Not the same as ouer /last.
The same as /get_last except that it only returns ONE value, that may be undef.
Sets the index to -1
, before the first element.
Similar to Array::Iterator::Reusable/reset, Class::DBI::Iterator/reset, Class::PObject::Iterator/reset, Tie::Array::Iterable/from_start and List::Object/rewind.
Called repeatedly to access successive elements in the data set. Is usually called after calling /get_first.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/get_next. Most other Iterator
classes call this method next()
. But our /next is not the same.
Similar to List::Object/next, Array::Iterator/getNext,
Class::DBI::Iterator/next, Class::PObject::Iterator/next,
Tie::Array::Iterable/next, Iterator/value,
IO::Seekable/getline and Java next()
This method is implemented with /get_next_raw and /materialize.
The next element and a status as the two elements in the return list
The same as /get_next except that it only returns ONE value, that may be undef. (Get Next with NO Status)
Used as a backend for /get_next.
Increments the index.
The next element and a status
May be called after calling /get_last.
Similar to Array::Iterator::BiDirectional/getPrevious,
Tie::Array::Iterable/prev and Java previous()
See also /prev.
This method is implemented with /get_prev_raw and /materialize.
The prev element and a status as the two elements in the return list
The same as /get_prev except that it only returns ONE value, that may be undef.
Used as a backend for /get_prev.
The prev element and decrement the index.
Method which returns all remaining items in the iterator as a Perl list reference. May be called at any time in the life-cycle of the iterator. The /get_first method will be called automatically if necessary, and then subsequent /get_next calls are made, storing each returned result until the list is exhausted.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/get_all.
Sets the index on the last element. (Not the place after the element.)
A ref to an array of the remaining elements, materialized.
If iterator already at the last index or later, returns undef
the first value and Template::Constants/STATUS_DONE as the second.
Similar to List::Object/count, Array::Iterator/getLength,
Class::MakeMethods::Template::Generic/count and java getSize()
Compatible with Template::Iterator/size and Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
The number of elements in this list
Returns: the /size, constraining to given /limit_display
Returns the maximum index number (i.e. the index of the last element) which is equivalent to size() - 1.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/max and Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
Returns: the /max, constraining to given /limit_display
Returns the current index number which is in the range 0 to max().
Template::Iterator/index has the range 0
to /max. This
module allows the range -1
to /max+1
Similar to Array::Iterator/currentIndex,
Tie::Array::Iterable/index, IO::Seekable/tell and Java
Heres hoping that nothing breaks...
Returns the current iteration count in the range 1 to size(). This is equivalent to index() + 1.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/count.
Returns a boolean value to indicate if the iterator is currently on
the first iteration of the set. Ie, index 0
Compatible with Template::Iterator/first and Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
Similar to Array::Iterator::Circular/isStart and Tie::Array::Iterable/at_start.
See also /get_first.
Returns a boolean value to indicate if the iterator is currently on the last iteration of the set.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/last and Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
Similar to Array::Iterator::Circular/isEnd, Iterator/is_exhausted, Tie::Array::Iterable/at_end and IO::Seekable/eof.
See also /get_last.
Returns the previous item in the data set, or undef if the iterator is on the first item.
This does not change the iterator index.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/prev.
Similar to Array::Iterator::BiDirectional/lookBack.
See also /get_prev.
Returns the next item in the data set or undef if the iterator is on the last item.
This does not change the iterator index.
Compatible with Template::Iterator/next.
Similar to List::Object/has_next, Array::Iterator/hasNext and
Java hasNext
A bool
Similar to Array::Iterator::BiDirectional/hasPrevious and Java
A bool
Similar to Array::Iterator/current and Tie::Array::Iterable/value.
Implemented with /get_next
The element (materialized) at the current index.
$l->get_by_index( $index )
Similar to List::Object/get.
Implemented with /set_index and /get_next.
The element (materialized) at $index
. (First element has index 0).
Or undef
Similar to List::Object/clear
Doesn't modify the object
A new list with the content in random order, but with the same properties
The class or datatype of all the content in the list
TODO: Validate content with this
$l->push( @elements )
Returns: The number of elements added
$l->push_uniq( @elements )
Only add elements not already in the list
Returns: The number of elements added
$l->unshift_uniq( @elements )
Only add elements not already in the list
Returns: The number of elements added
$l->join() $l->join($separator)
defaults to the empty string.
Returns: A scalar string of all elements concatenated
Compatible with Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
Returns a list with the elements from $l not found in $l2
Returns a list with multiple list items filtered out. Operates on the unmaterialized items. If nothing filtered, returns the same object.
$l->merge( $list2, $list3, ... )
Returns a list composed of zero or more other lists. The original lists are not modified. Filters out parametrs that are not lists. Always returns a new list, even if it has the same content as the calling list.
Uses the cloned args of the calling list.
Compatible with Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
Returns a list composed of the items in reverse order.
Uses the cloend args of the calling list.
Compatible with Template::Manual::VMethods/List Virtual Methods
Creates a new list with any list elements flatten to it's elements. Recursively. Flattens Para::Frame::List objs and unblessed arrayrefs.
Always returns a new list object of the same class and with the same properties.
TODO: Make this a materializer function, to handle large lists
$list->resort( ... )
Same as /sorted, but modifies the existing object, rather than creating a new object.
If no params given, the cgi params order
and direction
will be
Will not resort if the object sortkey property is the same
The same list object
Return a SCALAR string with the elements sysdesignation concatenated with
' / '
$list->sorted() $list->sorted( $attr ) $list->sorted( $attr, $dir, $type ) $list->sorted( [$attr1, $attr2, ...] ) $list->sorted( [$attr1, $attr2, ...], $dir, $type ) $list->sorted( { on => $attr, dir => $dir, type => $type } ) $list->sorted( [{ on => $attr1, dir => $dir1, type => $type1 }, { on => $attr2, dir => $dir2, type => $type2 }, ... ] )
Returns a list of object, sorted by the selected proprty of the object.
This method assumes that the list only contains objects and that all of them has a similar interface.
The default sorting attribute is the stringification of the object (or the string itself if it's not an object).
is the direction of the sort. It can be asc
or desc
can be of the form a1.a2.a3
which translates to an attribute
lookup in several steps. For example; $list-
The sorting will be done as strings with <cmp>. You can get a string
sort by using $type numeric
Loop over the name arcs of a node, sorted by firstly on the is_of_language code and secondly on the weight in reverse order:
[% FOREACH arc IN n.arc_list('name').sorted(['obj.is_of_language.code',{on='obj.weight' dir='desc'}]) %]
A List object with 0 or more elements.
Dies if given faulty parameters.
$l->$method( @args )