Base class for RDF::Base::Resource and RDF::Base::Literal.
Inherits from RDF::Base::Object.
1. Call Class->get($identity)
If you know the correct class, call get for that class. Resource handles the get(). Get handles node chaching.
2. get() calls Class->new($id), blesses the object to the right class and then calls $obj->init()
3. new($id) calls $obj->initiate_cache, that handles the Resource cahce part. Caching specific for a subclass must be handled outside this, in init()
4. init() will store node in cache if not yet existing
The create() method creates a new object and then creates the object and calls init()
A get_by_rec($rec) will get the node from the cache or create an object and call init($rec)
Returns true.
Returns false.
$n->parse( $value, \%args )
Compatible with RDF::Base::Literal/parse. This just calls RDF::Base::Resource/get_by_anything with the same args.
Supported args:
valtype arc
Returns: the value as a literal or resource node
$n->parse( $value )
Compatible with RDF::Base::Literal/new_from_db. This just calls
RDF::Base::Resource/get the given $value
Returns: the value as a resource node
$n->find_remove(\%props, \%args )
Remove matching nodes if existing.
Calls /find with the given props.
Calls /remove for each found node.
For arcs, the argument implicit
, if given, is passed on to
/remove. This will only remove arc if it no longer can be infered
and it's not explicitly declared
If the node is an arc and force
is not true, it will not remove an arc that is a removal or that has been deactivated.
Supported args:
arclim res implicit force
Returns: ---
The unique node id expressed with [0-9A-Z] as a plain string, with a one char checksum at the end.
$n->parse_prop( $criterion, \%args )
Parses $criterion
Returns the values of the property matching the criterion. See RDF::Base::Resource/list for explanation of the params.
See also RDF::Base::List/parse_prop
$n->prop( $predname, undef, \%args ) $n->prop( $predname, $proplim, \%args ) $n->prop( $predname, $value, \%args )
Returns the values of the property with predicate $predname
. See
RDF::Base::Resource/list for explanation of the params.
For special predname id
, returns the id.
Use /first_prop or RDF::Base::Resource/list instead if that's what you want!
If given a value instead of a proplim, returns true/false based on if the node has a property with the specified $predname and $value.
If more then one node found, returns a RDF::Base::List.
If one node found, returns the node.
In no nodes found, returns is_undef
For $value
, returns the given $value, or is_undef
$n->revprop( $predname ) $n->revprop( $predname, $proplim ) $n->revprop( $predname, $proplim, \%args )
Returns the values of the reverse property with predicate
. See RDF::Base::Resource/list for explanation of the params.
If more then one node found, returns a RDF::Base::List.
If one node found, returns the node.
In no nodes found, returns undef
$n->has_pred( $pred ) $n->has_pred( $pred, $proplim, $arclim )
Return true if the node has at least one property with this predicate. The return values makes this method usable as a filter.
True: The node
False: is_undef
$n->has_revpred( $pred ) $n->has_revpred( $pred, $proplim, $arclim )
The reverse of has_pred. Return true if the node has at least one ACTIVE reverse property with this predicate.
True: The node
False: is_undef
$n->meets_proplim( $proplim, \%args ) $n->meets_proplim( $object, \%args )
See RDF::Base::List/find for docs.
Also implements predor
This also implements meets_proplim for arcs!!!
Also implements the form mypred1{is this}.that
... implements not => { ... }
Returns: boolean
$n->add_arc({ $pred => $value }, \%args )
Supported args are: res read_access write_access weight
The arc object
See also RDF::Base::Resource/add
$n->replace( \@arclist, \%props, \%args )
See /update for description of what is done.
But here we explicitly check against the given list of arcs.
Adds arcs with RDF::Base::Arc/create and removes arcs with RDF::Base::Arc/remove.
The %props
are processed by /construct_proplist and @arclist
are processed by /find_arcs.
We use valclean of the value syskey for a key for what strings to replace.
Supported args are:
3 = detailed info 4 = more details
The number of arcs created or removed.
$n->remove( $args )
Removes the node with all arcs pointing to and from the node.
It does not do a recursive remove. You will have to traverse the tree by yourself.
Supported args are: arclim res force force_recursive
TODO: Count the changes correctly
Returns: The number of arcs removed
Implemented i RDF::Base::Resource/has_node_record
For other nodes, like literals..:
Returns: false
$n->copy_props( $from_obj, \@preds, \%args )
Copies all properties with listed @preds
from $from_obj
$n->copy_revprops( $from_obj, \@preds, \%args )
Copies all rev-properties with listed @preds
from $from_obj
$n->find_arcs( [ @crits ], \%args ) $n->find_arcs( $query, \%args )
NB! Use RDF::Base::Resource/arc_list instead!
Used by RDF::Base::Node/replace
can be a mixture of arcs, hashrefs or arc numbers. Hashrefs
holds pred/value pairs that is added as arcs. Mostly only usable if
called via RDF::Base::Node/replace.
Returns the union of all results from each criterion
Returns: A RDF::Base::List of found RDF::Base::Arcs
$n->construct_proplist(\%props, \%args)
Checks that the values has the right format. If a value is a hashref; looks up an object with those properties using /find_set.
Used by /replace.
the normalized hashref of props.
confesses if a value is an object of an unknown class.
$n->update_by_query( \%args )
Setts query param id to node id.
Calls RDF::Base::Widget::Handler/update_by_query for the main work.
Returns: -
$n->add_note( $text, \%args )
Adds a note
Supported args are:
Called for literal resources. Ignored here but active for literal nodes
$n->wu_jump( \%attrs, \%args )
Attrs are the Para::Frame::Widget/jump attributes
Returns: a HTML link to a form form updating the node
$n->wun_jump( \%attrs, \%args )
Attrs are the Para::Frame::Widget/jump attributes
Returns: a HTML link to node-updating page
$n->wp_jump( \%attrs, \%args )
Attrs are the Para::Frame::Widget/jump attributes
Returns: a HTML link to page presenting the node
List the class of the node
Return a string naming the class of the node suitable for RDF::Base.
$n->$method() $n->$method( $proplim ) $n->$method( $proplim, $args )
If $method
ends in _$arclim
there $arclim
is one of
RDF::Base::Arc::Lim/limflag, the param $arclim
is set to that
value and the suffix removed from $method
. Args arclim is stored as
arclim2 and will be used for proplims. The given arclim will be used
in the arclim for the given $method.
If $proplim
or $arclim
are given, we return the result of
$n->list( $proplim, $arclim )
. In
the other case, we return the result of $n->prop(
$proplim, $args )
But if $method
begins with rev_
we instead call the
corresponding /revlist or /revprop correspondingly, with the
prefix removed.
Note that the RDF::Base::List/AUTOLOAD will distribute the method
calls so that $list->$method
will via this AUTOLOAD
call each
elements $method
and return the new list.
RDF::Base, RDF::Base::Arc, RDF::Base::Pred, RDF::Base::List, RDF::Base::Search, RDF::Base::Literal::Time