TODO: Make path base a config
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Email. Replyto elements not found will reside in the list as RDF::Base::Undef.
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Email. Reference elements not found will reside in the list as RDF::Base::Undef.
Is the content of this email availible?
Returns: A specific subclass of RDF::Base::Email::Part
$email->header( $field_name )
Returns: An array ref
Returns: A RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Subject
The date the email was sent
Returns: A RDF::Base::Time
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Address
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Address
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Address
Returns: The number of to addresses
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Address
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Address
Returns: a Para::Frame::List of RDF::Base::Literal::Email::Address
Returns: a ref to the string of the decoded body.
Return: the head and body presented as html
Return: the string of the body presented as html
Return: the string of an extract of the body
Reprocesses email after
$email->send( \%args )
Send the e-mail. Sets sent date.
Supported args are:
redirect: true for setting header for redirecting the email. Must be used if using proxy and to header differs from reciever params: extra params for the email template
$email->validate_as_template( \%args )